Lisa's Diet Days

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pregnancy Scare

I am so scared of mc'ing this pregnancy. I'm so early, I don't even feel pregnant, only 2 signs are not that much sore boobs and my test that I keep looking at to see if its real. I'm thinking about testing again just to mk sure...I'm all set up for my first OB appt in 2 weeks but I'm not sure I'll even mk it. Yesterday I was busy in the street and by the time I came home I was tired, my body was tired, I felt these short Sharp pinches where baby is and I got really nervous. I just don't want to think about it any more, especially if these thoughts are gonna drive me crazy, I'm gonna look into some relaxation techniques cuz I can feel my blood pressure going up. I'm nervous but my passed mc were most likely caused by a chromosome defect or genetic disorder so if this baby is strong enough to mk it with no problems then I shouldn't b nervous, if there is a problem then my body will reject an embryo that's not gonna mk it so this will turn out the way it should. i'll be praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby. If not there's always next time...

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