Lisa's Diet Days

LilySlim Diet days tickers

Monday, September 17, 2012

Hoping for the best

So I got my bright BFP in Aug. I wasn't expecting it due to not worrying about it but of course not using protection either due to wanting to have a baby. Their was alot going on for the weekends. All this events were for a friend, First a adult b-day party 1st Sat, 2nd Sat bachelor party and the girls stayed home to drink. 3rd Sat bachelorette party and 4th Sat was wedding but found out I was pregnant before that Sat came around. My friends got married, we all had a fun weekend month and I got pregnant. I usually have early M/C in sections, first is within the 5 wks which I made it through and the 2nd is between 7wks to 10weeks which Im working on and the less likely one frm 10 wks to 13weeks which Im hoping to make it though, once I pass that 13 week mark I can finally be happy and officially pregnant! Because my fibroids place my uterus at 3months big plus baby I'll be showing a little sooner than usual at 7 weeks I can see a baby bump. So I knw it'll just get bigger as baby grows I'll provide pics so you can see what Im talking about. I have my first u/s and appt on Thurs so I'll let you know how that goes. Im hoping for twins just to not have to worry about pregnancy ever again and my doctor can be assured not to see me ever again. So Im hoping everything goes well and this baby grows and makes it healthy. Pray for me. Im a pregnacy risk and Im praying everything turns out good. KMFC for a healthy baby for April! Im due May 4 but will have in April due to schedule c-sec. Wish me luck and will keep an update for later.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


When Sunday came and went with no AF i thought Yay this could be good news but after mon and tues testing with a negative result now im confused, i counted and counted 29 days excatly have passed and shes never been late without being positive on my test....I understand that every pregnancy is different and my body is different frm before but if this is early menopause or something im gonna flip out. Im 35 i should still have time! i guess nothing to do but wait to see what happenes first ...AF or BFP...i prefer baby news.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Miscarriage #8

Everything was fine so I went shopping and while tryin on clothes I felt a small gush so I left to chk n the bathroom and sure enough had a small amt of blood. I thought ok not to panic theres only a lil and theres no cramping so im ok. I continue to try on clothes and left to eat came home cleaned the room and sat to watch t.v... there was no more bleeding. Then out of no where more blood and then cramping. I was sad, I knew what was happening and I just sat there I had already placed a pad just in case so I went to take an ibuprofen and sat back dwn. I told DH what happened and he just looked dwn and didnt say anything. Later he said its ok we knw this was a risk so will just try again and gv me a hug, and I finally cried. I hurts so much that I cant carry a baby to term. I looked into maybe shrinking the fibroids myself and I basiclly hv to go on a diet. I hv to stop eating certain foods and mk diffrent choices so Im gonna try it and see if maybe it makes a diffrence on the fibroids and see if maybe baby is able to survive better. I just figure these fibroids are taking all the blood supply and baby might even be tryin to attach to one instead of the lining I dont know I just knw I hv to try something diffrent.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Little Steps

I decided I'm gonna try and pretend I'm not pregnant, lol. I'm gonna go through out my day as if nothings changed, keep my appts and set alarms on my phone for certain milestones just to remind me that as of now there is a baby. My days are going by to slow and I figured if I keep myself or better yet my mind busy then my 12 weeks should fly by, then 14 & 16 & 18... If I mk it this far and everything is still normal then I will be 50% happy and 50% done. The rest of the time I will feel a whole lot better and hv more faith that this pregnancy will be successful. 1st goal is to mk it till Mon, I hv an appt then, so weekend then appt. Little steps is the key to no worries.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pregnancy Scare

I am so scared of mc'ing this pregnancy. I'm so early, I don't even feel pregnant, only 2 signs are not that much sore boobs and my test that I keep looking at to see if its real. I'm thinking about testing again just to mk sure...I'm all set up for my first OB appt in 2 weeks but I'm not sure I'll even mk it. Yesterday I was busy in the street and by the time I came home I was tired, my body was tired, I felt these short Sharp pinches where baby is and I got really nervous. I just don't want to think about it any more, especially if these thoughts are gonna drive me crazy, I'm gonna look into some relaxation techniques cuz I can feel my blood pressure going up. I'm nervous but my passed mc were most likely caused by a chromosome defect or genetic disorder so if this baby is strong enough to mk it with no problems then I shouldn't b nervous, if there is a problem then my body will reject an embryo that's not gonna mk it so this will turn out the way it should. i'll be praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby. If not there's always next time...

Sunday, April 22, 2012


This is what I got Fri, April 20 on my moms Bday. Its also the day my AF was due, I thought for sure I'd get it by night fall but it never came. My husbands celebrating his Bday on May 26 and I had been working out to fit into my dress cuz its not stretchable but when AF didnt show I thought I might need to stop. Then I got this pic this morning,(Sunday, April 22)
Which means not only no more jumping around but no more drinking including May 26 which was going to be celebrated at a VIP section at a downtown club. You know what, if this baby makes it out good and healthy it would all be worth the sacrifice of this one night cuz yes I am a drinker and not a beer drinker but a liqueur drinker. I am so happy I finally get another chance of pregnancy but because of passed MC's Im also cautiously scared. I'll post any updates due to #8 pregnancy so KMFX! YAY baby on the way,

Thursday, March 29, 2012

For All Those who are just trying...

Af is gone for me so I start a new journey, Im just not gonna try anymore, it just so stressful tracking and counting days and making sure you dont do this or that, Im done. I wont be back till I suspect AF isnt coming for the month that way I have something to write about instead of waiting around. You girls are great and have been great supporters with not just me but everyone, tweaking and advise you girls gv alot of hope for the future. To those who have been trying for a long, long time.. I know you want a baby and I know how frustrated you are Ive only been tryin for 2 1/2 yrs but I knw some hv been longer, continue to hv hope and faith but stop making it your obsession, stressing over it isnt working and has soon as you enjoy life your miracle will probably happen. for those who hv help though doctors, do what you have to do then go have some fun, watch a good movie and put your mind in a different place, with those who see baby and baby news anywhere, Ive been in the office with babies everywhere and in bellies but mine was miscarrying at this same moment, best advise is well probably none, putting up a front is probably the only thing you can do, screaming and crying is allowed for a vent moment but if theres nothing you can do then dont dwell on it like I said before place your mind somewhere else, and for those who this may apply to, learn to accept that a person in your life is having a child and try your best to be happy for them cuz your gonna be seeing them alot. One of my last angel babies made it to 14 weeks and my SIL was pregnant to, a month behind but still at the same time as me, when I was burying my baby boy she was big and healthy with hers, he's a year old now and I love him, but knowing I could hv a son the same age as him will always be with me. This will probably have different reactions but it is your life you can do what you want it's just my own opinion on how I view things at this time. Good luck to everyone trying and having healthy pregnancies. Lots of baby dust to all.